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(1 edit)

Cool Deal! You figured out all the clues and puzzles!


Super j'ai bien aimer mais malheureusement j'ai du abandonner ...

J'aurai voulu le finir mais quand je suis morte a cause d'une chute et que je devais tout recommencer parcequ'il n'y avait pas de check point ...... J'ai arreter =[

Vraiment domage 

Thanks for the feedback!

I like the idea of this game, I just don't think it was executed in the best way.

For one, there isn't a clear objective when starting, had no idea I was suppose to be looking for medallions during my playthrough.

And I know this next criticism is more so my own fault, but I was confused by the bridge controller puzzles. In both of my attempts I end up just jumping down to progress, which left me pretty confused on where to go. I know now that for the first puzzle the answer was in the very first room, but even with these puzzles aside, it was almost impossible to know where I was suppose to go next, I felt like I was just wandering around aimlessly until I eventually gave up.

I did like the inventory management, and I really liked the weapons used here, but the enemy AI isn't too good, they would constantly get stuck on each other or get stuck in a doorway, trapping me in.

Not a bad game, just a frustrating one. I made a video playthrough of the game as well.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback!


Haven't played it yet, but looking at seyeroteb's footage, the atmosphere's very PS1 Doom, which is absolutely a plus ๐Ÿ‘

You mention having to upload only one level at a time due to itch's size limit; there should be an option to zip a large project into several smaller compressed files instead of one massive one - it'll be called something like "split into volumes" ๐Ÿค”


I'll look into that, thanks!

Trying to get this thing down in size was a nightmare, reducing texture sizes, combining meshes, deleting game objects, etc. That's why some of the rooms in the game are empty and the toilets no longer have dividers!




Awesome! Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

it was great! i was expecting a longer session but the length to me per level was perfect